musings from the pink chair


Posted on: 3 June 2010


i finally bought my own domain, so i’ve moved my blog on over.

same pink chair, BRAND NEW BLOG!


Posted on: 12 May 2010

sometimes i pick ella up and flip her upside-down. she always gets mad at me for approximately 1.5 minutes and then gets over it and wants to be petted and cuddled again. if i give her a nice ribbon or jingle bell to play with, that cuts it down to 20 seconds.

she also has taken to sleeping in shoeboxes, and frequently battles for control of my keyboard. and she’s the only cat in the world who comes when she’s called.

she’s quite the remarkable girl.


Posted on: 5 May 2010

warning: small rant enclosed.

do you know what is majorly annoying? people’s attitude towards and lack of knowledge about “mental health.”

to begin with, it should not be a separate category from “physical health.” because it IS physical. it’s not like people decide to have a mental illness. it’s caused by chemicals and hormones and PHYSICAL problems, just like every other disease. why is it put in a different, stigmatized category just because it has to do with the brain instead of any other organ?

but ANYWAY, it is apparently “mental health month” this month and HR is like, oh, we should promote mental health for our employees for mental health month. which is fine. but do you know what they did? they set up a table where they gave out free pens and then you could wait in line to have a free “chair massage.”

right. because if you’d just relax a little and get a massage, all your “mental health” issues will magically disappear. just like relaxing cures cancer and diabetes and arthritis and every other medical problem without a cure. GOSH, ALL THOSE PEOPLE WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA AND DISSOCIATIVE PERSONALITIES AND DEPRESSION AND OCD AND AUTISM AND PSYCHOPATHY SHOULD JUST CALM DOWN A LITTLE AND GET SOME REST AND THEY WILL BE ALL BETTER.

it’s like the people who are healthy saying that they don’t want universal health care because they don’t want to pay for everyone else’s health care because if they’d just eat well and exercise a little nothing would ever go wrong. YES, BECAUSE NOT EXERCISING CAUSES CANCER. THAT LANCE ARMSTRONG, HE WAS JUST NOT IN GOOD SHAPE.


Posted on: 9 April 2010

vampire weekend came to play in our newsroom yesterday. i’m not really a fan, but everyone else was ridiculously excited.

so they show up with their roadies/posse, including a hipstery girl who is filming their every move on 8 mm. they explain that they’re documenting their whole tour. on 8 mm. i was like, ok, we get it. you’re indie. you can stop proving it now. really.

…aaaaaaand then i noticed that they were eating taco bell. NO SERIOUSLY GUYS, feel free to stop trying so hard. we get it. really, we do. just stop.


Posted on: 25 March 2010

okay, i have to say this:


it’s disgusting. it tastes like sizzled lard. the texture varies between really hard and really squishy. it makes me want to vomit.

i feel the need to put that out there because BACON IS TAKING OVER THE WORLD. it’s showing up in EVERYTHING. pasta sauce. seafood. BROWNIES AND DOUGHNUTS. I AM NOT MAKING THIS UP.

next time i try to order scallops, i don’t want to have to settle for something else because they can’t make the sauce without the freaking bacon. and bacon in DOUGHNUTS? anyone who thinks it’s possible to improve on a hot krispy kreme original glazed, especially by contaminating it with bacon, is clearly certifiable.


Posted on: 23 March 2010

i dream some weird stuff.  i know, so does everybody.  but like, it just seems so random. here are some of the strangest, most random, and thought-provoking dreams i’ve had in my life:

  • i was in the television show diagnosis murder. except it was real life. it was actually a terrifying dream, given that the show is, you know, a murder mystery.
  • my college friends and i were at some sort of reception at duke, and hillary clinton was there. she came up to us and asked us about some of our policy ideas. and she liked them so much that she made us all go into a classroom so we could discuss further and she could take notes.
  • i met cynthia nixon and all i could think to tell her was “you looked better with red hair.”
  • i went to a gorgeous, minimalist beach house with big open spaces and huge windows. and ever since that dream, i’ve been trying to figure out where it is so i can go there.
  • i found a hidden neighborhood behind my house where i grew up. i’ve had multiple dreams about this neighborhood all my life, and it’s become fairly elaborate. my sister also has dreams about a hidden neighborhood behind our house, and when we describe the neighborhoods to each other, they’re scarily similar.
  • as part of some sort of magic show, i had to fight with a lion. this is bizarre because i LOVE lions — they’re probably my favorite animal. i’m not sure why. this is the earliest dream i ever remember having.
  • i had to escape from some sort of art museum (that happened to be next to my house). i’m not sure why or who was chasing me. but i had to escape, and i felt like i should have been able to fly, but i couldn’t.

also, you know what’s really annoying? when you dream that you’re mad at someone or have a fight with them or whatever, and then the next day, you’re all angry at them even though it was just a dream. and you have to consciously remind yourself that they’ve actually done nothing wrong and that you shouldn’t be horrible to them. my mom calls this “dream hangover.” it kind of sucks.


Posted on: 7 March 2010

to all the new yorkers with cablevision who are so upset about potentially missing the oscars:


[yes, antennas may be what your parents used in the ’60s, but they still work. for free. and you get free HD, too. IT’S LIKE MAGIC! slash common sense.]


Posted on: 6 March 2010

hey, look at that:

small talk blows. it’s medically proven.

i was right all along. ugh, people suck sometimes.


Posted on: 3 March 2010

late winter and spring are the most depressing seasons.  this may seem ironic since spring is supposedly a season of new beginnings and awakenings, when the flowers bloom and baby animals are born. WRONG! spring is a big tease. it wants you to think that the weather is going to be beautiful and warm and sunny, and then it’s freezing and rainy until june.

anyway, the seasons definitely affect my mood and my health.  i’m not sure if it’s legitimate SAD or just annoyance, but almost every year i get all tired and depressed from mid-january (after the high from the holidays wears off) until it gets warm(ish) in may.  this year, to help fend it off, i decided to join listography (the site is run by the same people who make the cute paper journals) and do one of their suggested lists — “100 things in the world i love.”

…except i don’t really think it’s working. i’ve been at it for a month and i’m only on number 29.  see?  i told you winter was depressing.  what else should i add?

[also, all of you should join listography because it’s great when you’re too lazy to come up with actual content for your blog. :) ]


Posted on: 22 February 2010

i went to bed early last night with a migraine. this morning i woke up, and within 10 seconds, realized my worst fear: the pain was still there.

i’m a migraineur, and it sucks. a lot of people think migraines are just bad headaches. no, no, no. they are incapacitating. they are bad headaches plus nausea, eye strain, sensitivity to light, sound, and smell, and sometimes blurred vision and dizziness (aura). they can last for several days. they’re also genetic (my mom gets them), and are way more likely to affect women than men (UNFAIR!).

on new year’s eve in 2003, i had a migraine so bad that it made me cry. if i had known then what i know now about the signs of a brain aneurysm (namely: the worst headache you’ve ever had in your life), i would have gone to the emergency room. in 2004, i had migraines so frequently that i took enough aspirin and ibuprofen to inflame my stomach lining. it felt like someone was yanking out parts of my stomach with a string. i had to have an endoscopy, take medication for almost six months, and follow a diet (no caffeine, no acidic foods like tomatoes or citrus, and definitely no NSAIDs). i finally got on prescription migraine medication, which comes with its own risks (serotonin syndrome, anyone?) and is CRAZY expensive ($10 per pill, and that’s with insurance), but is better than almost certainly developing a bleeding ulcer.

most migraineurs have “triggers” that they can avoid if possible. mine include sleeping too little and sleeping too much. but a big one for me is changes in the weather (usually when it’s about to rain), so that can’t really be avoided. which blows.

anyway, since i had to work today and since i try to avoid taking my prescription migraine meds (see: $10 a pill), i downed my tylenol-plus-a-can-of-coke-over-ice cocktail, put on my sunglasses (see: extreme light sensitivity) and hoped for the best. it did as well as could be hoped — kept the pain at bay enough so that i could function. it never really makes it go away. and now we’re nearing the end of day two of migraine pain. it’s fading. it will probably be gone by tomorrow. but in 2-4 weeks, i guarantee it will be back.

when i was like five or six years old, my mom said she had to lie down because she had a headache. i said, “what’s a headache?” because i couldn’t conceive of the inside of my head hurting. i miss that.


I'm a twentysomething journalist who lives in Atlanta, loves all things artsy, and updates this blog from the cozy pink chair in my living room. More?


I’d like to keep my job

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